CAST LIST FOR Naughty Marietta, Revised 2018, Spring 2019

The rich but witless Alexis has a vision (preached to teamsters, lunatic asylums, and technical institutes) that the joy of marriage shall overrule all earthly unhappiness. Practicing what he's preached, Alexis is recently betrothed to the beautiful Aline. At his wedding ceriony, he plots the final realization of his vision: to bring the joy of marriage to the entire town. Alexis calls in the old family sorcerer, Jonathan Wellington Wells to concoct the perfect love potion. Naturally, this backfires and hilarity ensues.

Naughty Marietta


    Stage Director - Kate Nealley
    Music Director - Florrie Marks


    Contessa Marie D'Altena (Marietta) - Alexis Droke
    Captain Dick Warrington - Jay Anstee
    Etienne Grandet - Ed Meyers
    Ada LaFarge - Abigail Capitolo
    Lieutenant Governor Grandet - Edwin Nealley
    Simon - Chris Capitolo
    Lizette - Molly Lazer
    Rudolfo - David Zaffarano
    Florenze - Robert Moore
    Francesca - Elizabeth Oliver
    Harry Blake - Michael Stadnicki
    Fanchon - Laura Markowski
    Nanette - Elizabeth Oliver
    Felice - Rachel Lockley
    Herald/Watchman - Christopher Rubino
    Town Crier - Bruce Conley
      Marissa Capuano
      Don Cheetham
      Meg Hazel
      Shaelyn Fabik
      Alfred Hurd
      Ellie Hurd
      Wayne Jones
      Doug Kurtze
      Sarah Norton
      Diane Runkel
      Sally Sapega
      Jeff Swafford
      Cathy Wakefield

Production Staff

    Producer - Julie Zaffarano
    Choreographer - Jan Streicher
    Costumes - Janice Manley
    Costumes - MJ Clark
    Stage Manager - Jocelyn Kurtze
    Set Design - Elizabeth D'Wolf
    Set Contruction - Ken Clark
    Set Contruction - Dave Zaffarano
    Lighting Design - Robert Iodice
    Lighting Crew - David Fuhrman
    Props - Lisa Cleek
    Publicity - Barb Matheson