CAST LIST FOR A Christmas Carol - the Musical, Autumn 2019

Ebenezer Scrooge and his ghostly encounters come to life in this lavish and thrilling Broadway adaptation.

Broadway heavy hitters, Alan Menken (Disney's Beauty and the Beast, Disney's The Little Mermaid, Little Shop of Horrors) and Lynn Ahrens (Ragtime, Seussical, Once on This Island), breathe fantastic new life into the classic tale of A Christmas Carol.

Ebenezer Scrooge is a prosperous curmudgeon who believes that personal wealth is far more valuable than the happiness and comfort of others. With an infuriated "Bah! Humbug!" Scrooge summates his feelings of Christmas tidings and charitable giving, but he's forced to face his selfish ways when three ghosts on Christmas Eve lead him through his Past, Present and Future. Thanks to their guidance, Scrooge recognizes his faults and greets Christmas morning with a cheerful "Happy Christmas" before spending the day reconnecting and sharing love with those that mean the most to him.

A Christmas Carol is a spectacular adaptation of Charles Dickens' most well-known story. Proving its staying power with a decade-long run at the Theatre at Madison Square Garden, A Christmas Carol, is an ideal choice for any theatre hoping to create a holiday tradition.
A Christmas Carol


    Stage Director - Sally Foster-Chang
    Music Director - Joseph Cosentino
    Choral Director - Bob Binkley


    A Beadle - Bill Michael
    Mr. Smythe - Stephen Butt
    Grace Smythe - Natalia Assetto
    Ebenezer Scrooge - Rob Hull
    Bob Cratchit - Jeff Swafford
    Mrs. Cratchit - Laura Markowski
    Tiny Tim - Sage Linclon
    Martha - Cassidy Martinez
    Poulterer - Bruce Conley
    Fred Anderson - Chris Rubino
    Sally Anderson - Tammy Sarosy
    Anderson Family - Brian Rubino, Tammy S.
    Jonathan - Marc Rubino
    Ghost of Christmas Present (Sandwichboard Man) - Michael Krencicki
    Want and Ignorance - Brian Rubino, Marc Rubino
    Ghost of Christmas Past (Lamplighter) - Kate Philips-Kaiser
    Ghost of Christmas Future (Blind Old Hag) - Terry D'Andrea
    Mrs. Mopps - Ellie Knickman
    Marley - Robert Moore
    Scrooge's Father - Bill Michael
    Scrooge's Mother - Shana Gordon
    Mr. Hawkins - Bill Michael
    Scrooge at 8 - Brian Rubino
    Scrooge at 12 - Cassidy Martinez
    Fan at 10 - Natalia Assetto
    Mr. Fezziwig - Charles Spyres
    Mrs. Fezziwig - Lisa Franks
    Young Ebenezer - Chris Rubino
    Young Marley - Bob Moore
    Emily - Kat Carr
    Four Abundance and Charity Elves - Kate
    Two Undertakers - Bob Moore, Meg Hazel
    Old Joe - Meg Hazel
    Charity Men
      Meg Hazel
      Robert Moore
      Willie Dahms
      Bruce Conley
      Stephen Butt
      Felicia Gaus-Woollen
      Willie Dahms
      Bruce Conley
      Natalie Assetto, Stephen Butt, Kat Carr, Lisa Cleek, Bruce Conley, Willie Dahms, Terry D'Andrea , Gina D'Orio, Mary Beth Dostillio, Lisa Frank, Felicia Gaaus-Woollen, Sarah Gober, Shana Gordon, Meg Hazel, Ellie Knickman, Michael Krencicki, Sage Lincoln, Laura Markowski , Cassidy Martinez, Bill Michael, Robert Moore, Kate Philips-Kaiser, Brian Rubino, Marc Rubino, Diane Runkel, Tammy Sarosy, Charles Spyres, Jeff Swafford, Cathy Wakefield

Production Staff

    Producer - Bill Michael
    Choreographer - Jan Streicher
      Janice Manley, MJ Clark, Diane Runkel, Tina Dahms, Kim Dahms, Julie Zaffarano, Kat Carr, Tammy Sarosy, Lil Pellissier, Mary Beth Dostillio, Ken Clark
    Stage Manager - Kathy Michael
    Assistant to the Stage Manager - Jocelyn Kurtze
    Stage Crew
      Ray Murphy, Wayne Jones, Debbie Jones, Jack Lyons
    Set Design - Chris Rubino
    Set Contruction
      Ken Clark, Dave Zaffarano, Michael Chang
    Set Painters
      Bill Michael, Chris Rubino, Stephen Butt, Sally Foster-Chang, Kate Philips-Kaiser
    Lighting Design - Robert Iodice
    Lighting Crew - Nance Reedes
    Sound Design - Michael Chang
    Props - Lisa Cleek
    Publicity - Barb Matheson
    House - Dave Verduin, Allison Fogle, Michael Krencicki
    Playbill - Stacey Martinez
    Rehearsal Hospitality - Cathy Wakefield